Friday, January 28, 2011

Fibromyalgia – The Definition

I was diagnosed by someone who was not my regular doctor at an urgent care facility. He told me that I had Fibromyalgia, pills will not cure and it is not fatal. No pamphlet, samples or slide show was given to me. No one should find out like that.

The Mayo Clinic describes Fibromyalgia as
“Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory and mood issues. Researchers believe that fibromyalgia amplifies painful sensations by affecting the way your brain processes pain signals.”

Dr. Mehmet Oz defines it as
“…disorder of the musculoskeletal system, the condition is now seen as a central nervous system problem. Symptoms include increased sensitivity to pain, achy and stiff joints, fatigue, and specific tender points on the back, chest, arms, and legs. Migraines sleep disorders, and irritable bowel syndromes are also common complaints.”

I think the second definition identifies more with the problems that are associated with have Fibromyalgia. I hope the definitions help.


    Fibromyalgia is diagnosed using the tender point system. It is a physical exam with pressure applied to different parts all over the body. Pain must be felt from 11 of the total 18 tender points. The second diagnostic criterion is widespread pain for at least three months.

Blood work and X-rays will not reveal Fibromyalgia. Physical characteristics will not help identify someone with this syndrome. It is an invisible disease.


Widespread pain and sleep depravity is the most common symptoms of Fibromyalgia, but there is more. “Fibro” or brain fog , extreme fatigue and chemical sensitivity are among the long list of associated conditions.



Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Purpose of This Blog

       This blog is to help those suffering from Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain or Chronic Fatigue some local Indianapolis-area resources to help them live better lives. Searching around for information on the internet can be tiring and confusing; I want to alleviate some of that. I have found a lot of resources, articles and data and want to share it with others.

I am not a doctor or work in the medical field, so please talk to your doctor regarding any concerns.